Latest News & Developments

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Developments in the world of Florence Mills lore may not happen at the frenetic pace of the modern media but there are plenty of things happening from time to time so I hope to update this page regularly.
The previous editions of news can be seen still at Archive No. 1No. 2 , No.3 , No.4 , No.5 , No.6 , No.7No.8 , NO.9No.10No.11No.12No.13No.14 and No.15

It's been a while without any new NEWS for Florence fans but something at last! A new book:
 "Good Booty': 10 Things We Learned About Sex and Music" by Ann Powers
It covers a wide range of  popular culture topics from New Orleans in the 1800s up to Beyonce
 but gives Florence Mill full credit for her pioneering role; some quotes:
One “It” girl had a jump on this new way of being. At the very beginning of the 1920s, she set an example that would influence artists across the lines of race, class, and performance style. Yet she has been largely forgotten. Her name was Florence Mills."

"Florence Mills arrived at this juncture fully prepared to embody the era’s transformative possibilities. Her story is one of mobility: she ascended from the working class, defied the strictures that afflicted many African American performers, and startled the world with her new, androgynous, and innately assertive way of being female."
A lengthy review of the book can be seen at:

  That's all for now, folks

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